Articles tagged with: anemia
Natural Dog Care »
Anemia in dogs occurs when there is an insufficient amount of red blood cells in the body. This can occur because the body is losing red blood cells too quickly to replace them, or if the body simply isnt producing red blood cells fast enough. Anemia isnt a disease, but is a symptom of an underlying condition. You may be wondering what exactly causes a href= target=_blankanemia in canines/a?br /
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Causesbr /
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This condition can occur for a number of reasons. One of the most common causes is a traumatic injury. Sometimes, blood will be prevent from clotting properly by various diseases. Dogs infected with worms, ticks, or fleas can also become anemic. Other common causes include hypothyroidism and /
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Symptomsbr /
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Anemic dogs will display various noticeable symptoms. Your dog will likely have pale gums, ears, and eyes. This is because the mucous membranes dont have any color. Its also probable for your anemic dog to sleep more frequently or become depressed. Other common symptoms of anemia include increased heart rate, fatigue, and loss of /
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Diagnosisbr /
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Supposedly anemic dogs need to be seen by a vet. Its important that the underlying cause of anemia be found. Blood tests are performed to check for parasites or under-developed red blood cells. The vet may also choose to analyze a stool sample. Since leukemia is a common cause of the condition, your dog may have a bone marrow biopsy to check for /
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Treatmentbr /
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Severe anemia in dogs has to be treated with a blood transfusion. If an underlying cause can be found, it will need to be treated too. Milder cases dont normally require a blood /
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Your precious pet can be susceptible to a href= target=_blankcanine illnesses/a. You can read up on many different potential health problems at So, come by right now to become /
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Access important tips in the topic of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – your individual knowledge pack.