Articles tagged with: constipation
Dogs »
Dog constipation can be very painful and uncomfortable for your canine. However, its usually not a very serious problem. This condition usually affects older dogs, but those of any breed or age can experience it. Lets take a look at things that cause a href= target=_blankcanine constipation/ /
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Causesbr /
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Your dog can develop constipation for a wide range of reasons. Eating human food is one of the leading causes. Common foods include bread, sugar, rice, and dairy. Foods high in protein can also be a /
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Dehydration, a condition that occurs when your dog doesnt get enough water, can also cause dog constipation. Another common cause is when your dog eats a foreign object. Some of the most common objects ingested are coins and /
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Signsbr /
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Dogs that have constipation will strain when trying to have a bowel movement. Since it may be painful, your dog may yelp. They will also spend longer than usual when going to the bathroom. Although they spend more time trying to defecate, they usually produce very little. Other common symptoms of dog constipation include bloating and loss of /
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Treatmentbr /
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Youll be happy to know constipation is usually easy to treat. Your dog will need to consume more fiber. You can give him special dog food made to contain more fiber. You can also choose to give your dog a fiber supplement with his regular /
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Preventionbr /
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There are a few things you can do to prevent dog constipation. Although he always needs fresh water, its especially important during the summer months. A diet with plenty of fiber will also help prevent constipation. Your dog should also be walked every day to make sure he gets plenty of /
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Dogs can be affected by many a href= target=_blankcommon illnesses in canines/a. Fortunately, provides a wealth of information on a range of these conditions. Click over right /
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