Articles tagged with: dog name
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Dog name for the family puppy
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="166" caption="Perfect dog names"][/caption]One of the most exciting things in life is picking out the family puppy. Then seeing the reaction of the children or other family members. That image is simply priceless and then comes the hard part …the dogs name, what will we name the puppy? So how do we find a name that we can live with for the life of the puppy and beyond?
Finding the perfect name for our puppies take time and many people spend weeks looking before deciding on the right name.
Well here are three ways to help speed the process along:
1. Match the name with the puppy’s personality: Just like us puppies have their own personality. One dog might be a little more up beat then the other, or lazy, or clumsy. Many times it makes for a perfect name. For instance if the puppy is full of energy or gives you a smile whenever you see them-Sparky…might be a good name. Or if the puppy’s very bright you may want to call them-sunshine. If you puppy gets into a lot of things around the house you might name the puppy…Havoc.
2. Another method is matching the puppy’s physical appearance with the name: You might think to match the puppy’s name with how they look like: if the puppy has spots you would call him…spot. Or if the puppy was white he/she might be called snowball.
3. Many decide to name their puppies after other pets in the past: Or after people that remind them of that person. Choosing names of people who are important to them or pets that had meaning in their lives.
In all honesty the ultimate name is up to you or the family. The name you chose will live with you and your dog for many years to come so be sure you are comfortable with it. After all you can’t keep changing it because even though their pets they have personalities and feelings all there own.
We had a fun time naming our dogs. Our dogs are…..
- Capelli
- Player
- VooDoo
- Scout
- Vayda
- Medusa
- Shoeshine (Our daughter had to name a dog that after seeing Underdog!)
Leave us a comment! If you already have a dog, how did you pick the name?