Articles tagged with: liver disease
Dog Health »
The liver is an extremely important organ. In some way, the liver is involved in almost every biochemical process. Therefore, liver disease in dogs is a serious medical condition. Here is a brief introduction to a href= target=_blankliver disease in canines/ /
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Causesbr /
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There are many different causes of liver disease in canines. A severe blow to the front of the abdomen can cause trauma to the liver. Getting hit by a car is a common example. Viral, fungal, or bacterial infections can also cause liver disease. Heartworms can also lead to disease if they grow severe enough to block the flow of blood to the liver. Dogs suffering from liver disease display a range of /
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Symptomsbr /
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As you have already learned, virtually every biochemical process involves the liver. Liver disease can lead to problems with others areas of your dogs body. This is why liver disease in canines causes such unspecific symptoms. Able to function with up to 80 percent damage, the liver is a very durable organ. Unfortunately, this means signs dont appear until the disease has already /
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Dogs with liver disease suffer abdominal pain recurrently. Its also common for dogs to experience vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Its also common for there to be a href= target=_blankdog constipation/a. Since the liver will stop processing bile properly, your dogs feces will be gray instead of brown. Other dogs also suffer from weight loss, increased drinking and urination, and /
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Diagnosisbr /
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Diagnosis of canine liver disease involves a urinalysis, complete blood count, and chemistry screen. The veterinarian will also take an x-ray of your dogs abdomen. This will show any change in liver size, as well as abnormalities in circulation and mineralization. In some cases, the vet may elect to perform an ultrasound. The most definitive method of diagnosis is to take a biopsy of the liver. A biopsy involves removing a piece of the liver using a special needle or via surgery. The liver is capable of regeneration, so any removed piece wont cause any /
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Treatmentbr /
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The specific treatment for your dog depends on damage severity and underlying cause. Toxic substances that can cause damage to the organ have to be removed. Your dog may also need to be placed on a special diet. This will help decrease the livers workload, so it can hopefully recover. Dogs are also susceptible to secondary infections, so they will need to be treated with /
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Your precious pet can be susceptible to many different health conditions. Fortunately for you, you can learn about a wide range of these conditions at Click over right /
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Read competent points of view to a href= target=_blankhouse training dogs/a – your individual guide.