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Melanoma can affect your dogs mouth, skin, or toes. This very serious cancer can also occur behind the eye. This article will discuss a href=http://www.dog-illnesses.com/canine-melanoma/ target=_blankcanine melanoma/a.br /
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Symptomsbr /
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Its common for dogs with this condition to develop oddly shaped or colored skin lesions. If the mouth is affected, your dog may develop bad breath, drooling, coughing, and trouble swallowing. This leads to loss of appetite and weight loss. Tumors can also develop on the toes.br /
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Diagnosisbr /
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The first step in diagnosing canine melanoma is a physical exam. In order to get a complete blood count, a blood sample will need to be drawn. The condition of the lungs may also need to be checked. This can be done with an x-ray. A biopsy of the tumor may also be taken.br /
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Treatmentbr /
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Melanoma in dogs can be treated in various ways. The disease will spread quickly without treatment. Surgery involves removal of the tumor. Only a portion of the tumor will be removed if the whole tumor cant be removed. Radiation and chemotherapy can be used to try to reduce the size of the tumor.br /
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Prognosisbr /
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Melanoma is a very serious type of cancer in dogs. The prognosis is usually poor. The best chance of survival is presented when only the skin is affected. Sometimes the cancer will still spread despite treatment. Also, a successful treatment doesnt guarantee that the cancer wont recur.br /
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Your precious pet can be susceptible to a href=http://www.dog-illnesses.com/ target=_blankcanine illnesses/a. You can read up on many different potential health problems at dog-illnesses.com. So, come by right now to become informed.br /
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