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Raising a new dog can be quite a chore, especially if you have a type that is inclined to things like biting, chewing, barking, or giddiness. These types of a href=http://www.dogstylenetwork.com/puppytraining.htm target=_blankpuppy behavior/a can be gradually lessened, and there are several ways to underline the right kind of actions in your puppy. The most essential thing to keep in mind is to remain long-suffering and level headed. In this article, well take a look at a couple techniques used to train puppies, both to support good behavior and discourage bad a href=http://www.dogstylenetwork.com/puppytraining.htm target=_blankpuppy behavior/a.br /
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Good puppy behavior is generally trained with positive reinforcement. For example, if your puppy holds it until he can do his business in the backyard, then rewarding him with praise or a extravagance will encourage him to do so more often. Good behavior as a rule includes things like playing well, coming when called, responding to verbal commands, and performing tricks. You can teach your puppy what you like it to do simply by spending time with it and praising it when it does something you enjoy. br /
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With positive training, we, as puppy parents, accentuate teaching puppies what they should do to warrant reinforcements, rather than punishing them for unwanted behaviors. A few things are:br /
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Be a dependable pack leaderbr /
When you are annoyed, walk awaybr /
Have fun appropriatelybr /
Use positive reinforcement that is valuable to your puppy and the situationbr /
Set up your puppy for victory by anticipating and preventing troublesbr /
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Discouraging bad puppy behavior works in much the opposite way. When the puppy does something you dont want it to, such as chewing on shoes or placing its teeth on individuals, give it a reprimand to let it know you are not pleased with it. It is critical to establish yourself as a pack leader in order to properly correct your puppy, and there are also other techniques of punishment such as water spray bottles that can help you get the job done. You should never put a puppy in a crate as a punishment, as you will want the crate to symbolize a place of shelter so that your puppy will build good associations with it. br /
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Once you are able to use both negative and positive reinforcement in tandem for several weeks, you should start to see a difference in your puppys overall behavior. Puppy behavior is somewhat foreseeable, especially since specific breeds have a inclination to act a certain way, and this allows us to get ready for what we think the puppy will be like. For example, Labrador puppies are very peaceful and playful, but have a large amount of energy that will last until they are several years old. This means that they are great family pets, but that they can be a real handful to keep in line, and knowing this ahead of time is a enormous benefit.br /
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